I am a certified "Probate and Trust Sale Specialist" specializing in Trust, Probate and Conservatorship sales in the Southern California region. I am familiar with the probate process and have a track record of handling probate sales requiring court confirmation. "Both full and limited authority"
Sales Process: I work with the Trustee/Administrator/Executor/Conservator to guide them through the sales process. I make sure the legal documents are reviewed by the Title company and a preliminary Title report is ordered upfront so we can deal with any unforeseen issues. I request my client to allow me to market the property for 15 days so I can do the aggressive marketing which includes social media, Just Listed cards, advertising, Brokers' Open House, Public Open Houses and emails blasts to local realtors and my large sphere of influence. A detailed marketing letter is provided to my client giving information on my marketing strategy. This enables the beneficiaries to see that the due diligence was done to market the property to get maximum exposure prior to reviewing any/all offers.
When a family member, who is now the Trustee/Executor of the property, has to deal with the loss of a loved one and then work on the process of selling the property, the whole experience can be a daunting experience for them. Recognizing that grief does not have a defined time period, I have helped clients in the cleaning and clearing process and have sometimes waited for a couple of years until they felt they were ready to put the property on the market.
I have worked with many Professional Fiduciaries, Probate & Trust Administration Attorneys, Trustees, Executors/Administrators and court appointed Conservators. Most of my business has been repeat referrals from local Trusted Advisors, Fiduciaries, Attorneys and CPA's. Testimonial letters can be provided upon request. You can also visit the Testimonials tab on my website.
My client experience includes working with a few high profile client's Trust sales. More information can be provided upon request.
Many local Trusted Advisors have referred me to their clients who are at the retirement stage of their lives looking to either downsize or move to a retirement facility. Recognizing the emotions and difficulty of the whole process, I am able to gently guide them through this difficult process. I also work with an escrow officer who makes sure the fonts are larger in the escrow instructions and at no additional cost to clients, he will get together with them at their home to help them fill out the escrow paperwork and notarize the required documents.
Professional Designation: I am a SRES® (Seniors Real Estate Specialist®). A designation given by NAR (National Association of Realtors).

I am a resource to my clients by providing them the names of professionals that they need to help in the pre-sale and sale process. Professionals in my database include Estate sale expert, cleaning people, gardeners, plumbers, etc. We all work as a team to help make this transition easier. Please check out the Directory of Professionals under the Resources tab.
For additional information you can also check out the Sellers & Buyers tab on my website. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you...Sonia.
Please view the e-Magazine below for some of my Probate & Trust sales.